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Energas is a specialist supplier of complete skid mounted HPCMS for natural gas scaled 1

Ice-cream factory switches from coal boilers to HPCMS station

An ice-cream factory has replaced its old coal-fired boilers with more efficient and ‘green’ natural gas fired boilers.

When looking for an efficient solution to switch from its old and inefficient coal fired boilers, an ice-cream factory looked for a trusted product from a reputable supplier. Egoli Gas supplied the factory with an HPCMS (High Pressure Customer Metering Solution) which was acquired from Energas Technologies, a leading supplier of high-end and specialised equipment to the oil and gas industries in Africa. The factory will benefit from the more efficient and environmentally-friendly natural gas fired boilers.

Energas is a specialist supplier of complete skid-mounted HPCMS for natural gas. According to Laetitia Jansen van Vuuren, Technologies Product Engineer at Energas Technologies, natural gas is a very reliable, safe and cost-effective solution for industrial users, compared with other conventional sources of energy such as electricity, diesel, coal or LPG. “Natural gas can be supplied via a pipeline network or by means of compressed natural gas cylinders to users not in the vicinity of a pipeline,” explains Jansen van Vuuren.

She adds that these skid-mounted units supplied by Energas offer an array of benefits: the single source reduces client man-hours spent; the pre-packaged factory-built skids cost less than individual equipment and piping construction and installation on site; these units reduce field construction time and overall project schedule; a complete factory test is conducted before shipment, which reduces risk; the units are easy to install in remote areas; and customers have peace of mind as a result of single source accountability.

The skid-mounted stations from Energas Technologies are designed, shop-fabricated and assembled, fully-tested and packaged before transported to the site. The skid includes filtration, pressure reduction, over-pressure protection and metering. The station will reduce the pressure from 35 bar (inlet line pressure) down to 1 bar (outlet pressure to the user) within one stage of pressure reduction.

“The station has a single run and has a flow capacity of 200 Sm3/h. A second run can be added for redundancy if required. The station includes the skid frame, piping, insulation joints, pressure regulator valve, slam-shut valve, pressure relief valves, gauges and isolation valves. The station is designed according to ASME B31.3,” concludes Jansen van Vuuren.


Energas Technologies contact:
Laetitia Jansen van Vuuren
Tel: +27 (0)11 397 6809

Media contact:
Bridgette Macheke
MoonDawn Media & Communications
Tel: +27 (0)11 079 5494
Cell: +27 (0)73 400 1549